GABI DUPLOdb - pair details

Details for pair 11938
  Pair Info Parent 1 Parent 2
Pair ID 11938    
Parent loci   At3g27610 [Araport] [TAIR] At2g01220 [Araport] [TAIR]
Gene Annotations   Nucleotidylyl transferase superfamily protein Nucleotidylyl transferase superfamily protein;
Pair-related paper(s)  
Similarity (TAIRv10) 89 %    
Gap (TAIRv10) 0.5 %    
Component 2    
Genetically unlinked Yes    
Assigned allele   065E11 / At3g27610 679F03 / At2g01220
Insertion classification   CDSi CDSi
Parent line's graphic view   Graphic view of gene At3g27610 Graphic view of gene At2g01220
Parent line's confirm. status   confirmed, show confirmation seq's confirmed, show confirmation seq's
Primer and wt-amplicons   show primer details show primer details
NASC set ID double mutant not generated, but parent alleles confirmed and available from NASC


Last Updated on Thursday, 06 December 2018 16:11