GABI-Kat database content statistics

Some statistics on data in SimpleSearch
lines with genome hits: 77034 / genes with hits: 23585 / CDSi hits (protein-coding genes only): 14236

62.24% or 23585 of all 37898 A. thaliana Araport11 genes are hit (chromosomal gene hits counted)
17.61% or 988 of all 5611 A. thaliana Araport11 ncRNA genes are hit (chromosomal gene hits counted)
75.42% or 20699 of the 27445 A. thaliana Araport11 protein coding genes are hit (chromosomal gene hits counted)
51.88% or 14236 of the 27445 A. thaliana Araport11 protein coding genes are hit (chromosomal CDSi hits counted)
lines at NASC as T3-sets: 14850, 10018 of these contain at least one confirmed CDSi allele
confirmed alleles represented by the 14850 T3-sets at NASC: 15199 (10145 confirmed CDSi alleles)
57.27% or 8152 of the 14236 genes with chrom. CDSi hit predictions are confirmed for at least one allele and available from NASC

lines with predicted CDSi hits at NASC as T2-stocks: 1682

SimpleSearch / database content: GK28/20160809

Last Updated on 06.12.2018 16:11