SimpleSearch - Line and FST details

Line specific information

Line ID 599B06
Vector Used pAC161
Line Availability available as T3 set from NASC (N457426)
Segregation Analysis 50:48:30
Confirmed for Hit At1g19100
Parent of DUPLO pair none
Parent of pair(s) none

Gene hit At1g19100

Sequence (A. th genome BLAST matches underlined)
GenBank Accession BX892145 [GenBank]
Graphic View Graphic view of gene At1g19100
Predicted Position of Insertion Chr1:6596218 - go to primer design
BLAST e Value 1e-27
Hit Clone Code (BAC ID) F14D16
Hit Gene Code At1g19100 [Araport] [TAIR] [MIPS] [SIGnAL]
Gene Annotation Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, and HSP90-like ATPase family protein
Insertion Classification CDSi
Confirmation Status confirmed, show confirmation sequences
Primer and wt-amplicons show primer details