Collection of links to access the DUPLOdb
- Search for genes, T-DNA insertions and gene pairs in our database DUPLOdb (see also the menue on the left). For detailed information on how to perform the searches please see DUPLOdb help.
- The list DUPLO gene pairs shows pairs of protein-coding genes in the A. thaliana genome dataset (TAIRv10) that fulfil the criteria we used to determine paralogous gene pairs with exactly TWO unlinked genes, AND for which we have found useful insertion alleles in the SALK and/or GABI-Kat collections.
- The list Genetically unlinked pairs shows pairs of protein-coding genes in the A. thaliana genome dataset (TAIRv10) that fulfil the criteria we used to determine paralogous gene pairs with exactly TWO unlinked genes.
- The list Complete pair list shows ALL pairs of protein-coding genes in the A. thaliana genome dataset (TAIRv10) that fulfil the criteria we used to determine paralogous genes, no matter how many related genes there are.
- The SALK parents list mentions all SALK insertion alleles (SALK and SALKc lines) for which we have generated data.