Genotyping and primer details

Genotyping and primer details for 703E02 - At2g43290
Line ID 703E02
Locus At2g43290 [Araport] [TAIR] [MIPS] [SIGnAL]
Deduced position of insertion Graphic view of Chr2:17991541 of line 703E02 Chr2:17991541
Insertion allele amplicon 8474 - 45kh
Locus specific primer 45kh: 5'-GGAAAAACAAGAAAAACAAACCAA-3'
Sequences from confirmation amplicon show confirmation sequences
Genomic end of ins. amplicon Chr2:17991233
wt amplicon (over InsPos) 05mc - 45kh
wt amplicon start Chr2:17991233
wt amplicon end Chr2:17991896
wt amplicon size 664 bp
Locus specific primer 45kh: 5'-GGAAAAACAAGAAAAACAAACCAA-3'
2nd locus specific primer 05mc: 5'-AAAGAAGCTACGAACTCTTTTCCC-3'
Note The data concerning the primers refer to the experimental conditions used in the initial analysis of the alleles. In general, we used 8474 in the PCR and 8409 for sequencing. See the confirmation strategy page for details. For genotyping in the context of DUPLO, we used 8409 as T-DNA primer in PCRs. See the DUPLOdb help page for details.

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 December 2018 16:11